Adult Class 6:00 - 7:30 pm


Kid’s Class (6 - 12) 4:00 - 5:00 pm

Adult Class 6:00 - 7:30 pm


Adult Class 6:00 - 7:30 pm


Teen Class (13 - 17) 4:00 - 5:00 pm

Adult Class 6:00 - 7:30 pm


Aikibojitsu 7:00 - 9:00 am ($20 per class)


Adult monthly membership dues:  $90 (PayPal subscribers receive a $5 per month discount on dues!)

  • Mat fee for Aikidoka visiting from out of the area:  $20 per class

  • Aikido Beginner’s Special: $135 for 2 months unlimited training. Includes a Gi.

  • Children’s monthly dues: $50

  • Adult gi: $45

  • Children’s gi: $30

  • Used gi: $20 (or $10 for just a jacket or pants)

  • Test Fee: $45 (5th – 3rd  kyu), $55 (2nd – 1st kyu)

  • Aikibojitsu (Saturday mornings, 7am) : $20/class

Student Name:

Adult Beginner's Special: 2 months dues & gi
Student Name

If for any reason you no longer wish your credit card to be billed with this monthly charge, simply click the Unsubscribe button below and follow PayPal's instructions.

You can also use PayPal for one-time membership dues payments, Beginner's Specials, or any other payments (see our Fee Schedule below for offers and pricing). Please be sure to enter a description of what your payment is for, when given the option to include a note in the PayPal process.


If you'd like to help support the dojo, you can set up a recurring donation to our coffers to cover rent and utilities. (Plus, you'd be, like, totally cool!)

Donation options